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Monday, October 18, 2010

Coincidence, I Think Not!

When I was writing my blog post on the Human Energy Field, I was horribly frustrated about how hard it was to find good research and information about energy healing. Despite my belief that this "stuff" is real, I started to doubt myself. Am I just crazy? Is my belief some big self-delusion? The repercussions of these possibilities were putting me in quite a mood.

A couple of days after I published the post, I brought Sarah to the bookstore. I was wandering around my favourite section of the store when my eyes were drawn to a book sitting face up on the shelf. It was called "The Energy Healing Experiments." What a "coincidence!" Here was a book on the precise topic I was looking for. (It's a fantastic book by the way and I'll write about it another time!)

Well, the point is that I don't really believe in coincidence. I know that the book I needed was there for me because I asked for it. Psychologist Carl Jung called such meaningful coincidence "synchronicity." The idea is that objects, thoughts or events that are related to your desires are attracted to you, and sometimes these things seem to appear by coincidence.

I remember when I would have considered all of this to be complete nonsense. I completely understand that point of view but I am no longer able to live with it. For one, it is just so much more fun to know think that every coincidence is really a wonderful gift to help me on my way. And the more I hold this belief, the more I can see that the coincidences in my life have been special learning opportunities for me.

Take note of the coincidences in your life, no matter how small. Examine what it took for that coincidence to occur and imagine what the coincidence could mean. You may learn incredible things about your life through your coincidences!

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