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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doctor or No Doctor?

People who believe in holistic health often use a wide variety of complementary and/or alternative health practices. But what about conventional medicine? Holistic health practitioners and users vary in this regard - some will avoid conventional doctors at any cost. As for me, I see a conventional physician (a family doctor) on a regular basis.

I agree that, in general, conventional medicine sometimes relies too quickly on "quick fixes" such as pharmaceuticals and surgery. Also, conventional medicine often overlooks mental, emotional and spiritual causes of physical disease. But ignoring the system altogether is somewhat analogous to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

There are many wonderful benefits to conventional medicine. Doctors excel at emergency trauma and disease diagnosis. If I break my arm, I want an x-ray and a cast. Then I can come home and take flower essences and get some Reiki. If I have cancer, my best chance may be to get chemotherapy in combination with complementary practices (though every such situation is different and requires a great deal of consideration). If I get a cold, I stay away from conventional doctors unless I know that something is really wrong. I also see my family doctor for an annual physical. My doctor can keep track of what is going on in my life and health and send me for tests if things don't seem quite right.

Ideally, each one of us would have a family doctor with whom we could discuss our lives and health, including our use of complementary and alternative therapies (CAM). Unfortunately, many doctors are not supportive of CAM use. Even more unfortunately, is that many people do not have access to a family doctor.

If there are many physicians accepting new clients, you may want to try a few different physicians to find one whose views are compatible with your own. Seeing a family physician may allow you to discover an illness early, when complementary and alternative practices have a better chance of being useful... and that's definitely a good thing.


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