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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blogging: A Hole in My Blanket of Diplomacy

I'm really excited about blogging and really terrified! I enjoy writing and I'm looking forward to seeing where this experience takes me. On the other hand, this blogging is going to challenge me in at least two areas. For one, my perfectionism is going to have to suffer at least a little bit as I'm sure to make a mistake here or there. I don't exactly have hours of research and editing time to devote to every post and I'm only human. But what I really want to talk about is my sense of diplomacy.

Are you a diplomat? I mean, really think about it. If two different people from two completely different areas of your life both ask you the same question about a controversial topic, how different are the two answers you give? For that matter, how different are those answers to what you think to yourself? I've called this diplomacy but perhaps the most psychologically correct term is self-censorship.

Now, I think self-censorship obviously has its place. But when do we go to far? Maybe when we are hiding who we really are for the sake of avoiding disagreement with others. I don't know about you but I've certainly done my share of smiling and nodding. And that's what has me scared here. I'm not writing one version of my blog for one person and a different version for someone else. I'm picking my topics, and with a certain amount of self-censorship most likely included, I'm writing what I think about it. And so begins a big hole in my blanket of diplomacy.

So if you're ready to hear what I think, read on... And tell me, how much do you self-censor and is that okay with you?

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