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Monday, September 13, 2010

Flower Essence Therapy

"Flower Essences are liquid remedies which contain the vibrational or energetic 'essence' of a particular flower."[1] Yup, here we go with an energy healing practice! Basically, flower essences are very similar to homeopathic remedies in that they are made of plant (in this case the flower of the plant) tinctures that are diluted over and over again. By the time you get a Flower Essence, there is nothing chemically left of the original flower. Actually, Flower Essences aren't meant to help a person heal chemically but energetically, and an electrical signature of the flower does remain in the Flower Essence tincture you buy at the store.

But can this liquid made of alcohol and water really affect your "energy?" Dr. Jeffrey Cram studied some specific Flower Essences against a placebo to see if the essences could calm people when they were exposed to mental stress. He didn't test the Flower Essences by asking the 24 subjects how they were feeling; he measured the electrical activity of their brains and muscles. And yes, he found that Flower Essences did make a difference compared to the placebo![2]

So what can Flower Essences help you with? Flower Essences help you address mental, emotional and spiritual issues and are a useful in self-development. A Flower Essence Therapy practitioner interviews you and determines which particular Flower Essences, or combination thereof, are best suited to help you reach your goals. There are Flower Essences for everything from learning how to accept your limits (Oak) to helping you feel emotional balance (Chamomile). "As Flower Essences help you uncover your unwanted thoughts and feelings, you can deal with unresolved issues and release feelings which may be negatively affecting your health."[1]

Most Flower Essence combinations are taken for 28 days, during which it is also recommended that you engage in some sort of self-reflection activity, something like journal-writing or drawing. The self-reflection helps you realize what may be happening with the Flower Essences and helps you deal with your feelings.

If you are interested in trying Flower Essence Therapy, please book a session at Know Thy Health.

[1] Know Thy Health. "Know Thy Health's Services." Accessed September 11, 2010 from http://www.knowthyhealth.ca/services.html.
[2] Flower Essence Society. "Flower Essences stress reduction study." Accessed September 11, 2020 from http://www.flowersociety.org/cram2.html.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that. I'm so thrill to have found this blog. I'm going to keep reading...
