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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Choosing Your Intuition

Intuition is "the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference."[1] There are all sorts of beliefs about intuition. Some believe it's just some remnant of our animal roots, others believe it's just a complicated function of our brains, and others believe it comes from God.

Whatever it is, a good relationship with your intuition can help you be happier, healthier, and have a greater sense of purpose in your life. So what does it take to improve that relationship? Just a little information and a choice or two.

Whatever you believe about intuition, it involves a lot more choice than most people think. You choose what you believe about where intuition comes from. You even choose what you believe about how "good" your intuition is. You choose what you are going to do with the intuitive information you get. The power of choice is that you can change your mind, that is you can change your choice.

Start paying attention to anything that comes to you that might be intuition. Pay attention to how often people say things like "it just feels right" or "I get the impression..." Learn more about your own intuition. Then comes the "hard" part - choose to follow your intuition and see where it leads you!

If you are interested in exploring how you experience intuition in your life and in learning how you can make your intuition stronger, Know Thy Health is offering a class called Guiding Your Life With Intuition on Wednesday, November 24, 2010. Please see the Know Thy Health website for more details.

[1] Merriam-Webster, s.v. "Intuition," http://www.merriam-webster.com/ (accessed October 26, 2010).

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