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Monday, October 25, 2010

Take a Nice Hot Bath

Okay, so when it comes to taking care of yourself, this one may seem kind of obvious. When you're tired and achy, or just need some time alone, it might be a good time to take a nice hot bath!

The number one benefit of a hot bath may be it's stress relieving effects including stimulating blood circulation and calming the nervous system.[1] I think that taking a bath can take you away from your regular routine, away from the rest of your busy life, and into a space that's calming and relaxing. A hot bath may also, among other things, "help relieve common aches and pains associated with arthritis, menstrual cramps, inflammation, hemorrhoids, muscle pains and spasms."[1]

There are lots of ways to customize a bath. You can add bubbles for fun! (I recommend you find a bubble bath with a minimum of artificial fragrances, colours and other chemicals.) You can add Epsom salts which are reputed to have a variety of benefits to your skin and muscles. You can add certain herbs (such as rosemary or milk thistle), each with their own benefits. And then there's aromatherapy (essential oils): lavender is great for relaxing, peppermint is great for energizing and there are so many other options to choose from. Flower Essences (read here about Flower Essence Therapy) can also be used in the bath, and while they don't add any smell or colour, they will provide energetic benefits.

Remember that a hot bat is not for everyone, and this is even more true when you add herbs or aromatherapy. Be aware of allergies or irritations you may have to certain herbs or essential oils. Pregnant woman should not only avoid hot baths, but there are a long list of herbs and essential oils that should be avoided too. Be careful when you get out of the tub as there is the possibility of fainting in some people with blood pressure issues (it might just take a bad cold or low blood sugar to bring you to that point).

If you have done your homework or consulted a doctor and know that a hot bath is safe for you, it can also be good for you. Dress up your bath in your own way and it can be a wonderful way to take care of yourself!

[1] "Tips for Relaxing in a Hot Bath," Discovery Health, accessed October 25, 2010 from http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/stress-management/relax-in-a-hot-bath.htm.

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