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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Human Energy Field

Though not traditionally a specific component of the holistic view, I think that exploring the energetic side of healing is important. The exact relationship between energy and the body is not known scientifically though there are several different schools of thought on the matter, some of them very ancient. I find energy healing fascinating, not from a scientific point of view, but from an experience point of view. Each and every encounter I have had with energy healing has taught me something about myself.

So let's start with the basics... Do humans have an "energy field?" The term "energy field" isn't really specific, but the short answer is yes. The human body has an electromagnetic field. This field is measurable in the brain with an EEG and in the heart with an ECG. In fact, "[t]he heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain."[1] The heart and brain have the most electromagnetic field but it is scientifically accepted that the entire body generates a small electromagnetic field.

What does that mean for our health? Well, for one, we're pretty sure that some other electromagnetic fields can make us ill. According to the World Health Organization, people who have been exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) have reported fatigue, headaches, depression, and a number of other symptoms.[2] These claims have not all been verified scientifically though some studies have shown a possible increased risk of childhood leukemia.[2] Exposure to stronger EMF, levels not generally found in the general public, may be related to cataracts.[2] Though many specific health problems have not been scientifically linked to EMF, the WHO and most governments regulate EMF exposure.

On the other hand, some electromagnetic fields may be useful. Medical magnetic fields, which have been researched in Europe, can improve circulation and oxygen levels in tissues, relax muscles, stimulate tissue healing, heal fractures and strengthen bones more quickly, and improve cell metabolism.[3] The scientific, medical community is beginning to see that EMF may be a useful tool in helping the body to heal itself.

Even more interesting than EMF is subtle energy. The term subtle energy is used to describe "a type of energy that is at present not fully understood or measurable with today's equipment."[4] Researchers at Stanford University have developed a subtle energy detector, "with which they demonstrated the existence of an energy field that is not in the electromagnetic spectrum."[4] They were also able to show that the subtle energy field responds to "intentional human focus."[4] Now, scientists are still a long way from really knowing how this energy field works and what it means to our health, but just knowing that it exists makes me optimistic that energy healing is just something we haven't explained... yet!

So... Humans have energy fields, other energy fields affect us and our health (some positively and some negatively), and we can consciously affect some of our energy fields. Energy is another thing to consider when we want to think about our health and life holistically.

[1] Institute of HeartMath. "Science of the Heart - Head-Heart Interactions." Accessed September 10, 2010 from http://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/head-heart-interactions.html?submenuheader=3.
[2] World Health Organization. "What are electromagnetic fields?" Accessed September 10, 2010 from http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html.
[3] William Pawluk, MD, MSc. "Medical Magnetic Fields." Accessed September 10, 2010 from http://www.naturalhealthweb.com/articles/pawluk1.html
[4] Robert Neil Boyd. "Institute of HeartMath Subtle Energy Research." Accessed September 10, 2010 from http://www.rialian.com/rnboyd/heart-math.htm.


  1. Hi.
    Bad link.

  2. http://www.naturalhealthweb.com/articles/pawluk1.html
    Bad too.
