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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vega Testing

When it comes to self-awareness, I tend to think mostly about mental/emotional self-awareness since that is my area of preference. But of course, physical self-awareness is just as important as any other type. You would think that people, living in such a physical world as we do, would have a great sense of physical self-awareness, but it seems to me to be quite the opposite. Many of us eat food and expose our bodies to all sorts of things without paying attention to how it really makes us feel physically. Unfortunately, paying attention would take more time and effort than most people are used to devoting to themselves.

Of course, if you are interested in learning more about your body, there are tools out there to help you with that. Sometimes your immune system reacts to certain "normal" things in your environment; we call this an allergic reaction. Many of us know our big allergic triggers such as snow mould, cats and dogs, and dust. But do you really know all the things you are allergic to?

There are some conventional medical tests available to determine allergies, namely the scratch test. Unfortunately, the scratch test is uncomfortable and not always accurate, especially in the area of foods. You get one scratch for every item being tested and if you really want a comprehensive test, you might run out of areas on your body to scratch (or you would have to come back for multiple sessions)! An alternative way of determining your allergies is called the Vega Test (also known as electrodermal testing (EDT) and electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV)).[1]

The Vega Test generally involves using a special machine to measure the body's electrical resistance at acupuncture points.[1] A circuit is created and possible allergens (things you may be allergic to) are placed within the circuit to measure the electrical changes in your body. While this test is related to acupuncture (see my previous post on acupuncture), there are no needles involved in the procedure.

The theory behind the Vega Test is that your body reacts energetically to things (good and bad) before it reacts physically and that you can detect the energy changes through acupressure points. While certain aspects of the theory do have some supporting evidence, there have been few scientific studies of the Vega Test, and those that have been conducted have generally not found positive results.[1] From what I have read of these studies, they sometimes assume that scratch testing gives true results or they test only respiratory allergies. It is unfortunate that there are few studies showing positive results because anyone I have talked to who has experienced the testing have found the results very useful in improving their health.

The Vega Test is often available from naturopathic doctors and sometimes certain chiropractors or other practitioners. Becoming aware of what your body reacts to allergically can help you make decisions to benefit your health, whether in diet, lifestyle, alternative treatment or other areas.

[1] Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Vega Test. Accessed December 29, 2010 from http://www.bidmc.org/YourHealth/HolisticHealth/AlternativeTherapies.aspx?ChunkID=37438


  1. dear Amelie, so nice to hear your view of vega testing, I am shocked and frightened of the aggression against vega testing, I have been practicing vega testng for 35 years now, and Have had great results, not only great results but because of the vega machine, I was able to find the newly emerging pathogens (superbugs) before the WHO,EPA, NDRC, and the great lakes commission. Because of this I have developed a device which eliminates these pathogens before they even figure out the mutations. So why such hostility?? Please explain

  2. We have to remember that hostility is generally the result of fear. There are many fears out there around the topic of alternative health. One of the most prevalent is that alternative practitioners (including Vega testing practitioners) are quacks - that these practitioners will take your money and give you false hope, in all ways taking you away from what will "actually" help you (i.e. the conventional system). People have signed-on to the idea that unless some magical number of scientists agree that something works, it is not real. Choosing to believe in something that is not science-approved means going against the grain of society, and perhaps admitting that they have been wrong in placing their power where they have. It takes great strength to admit you were wrong and put your power in your own hands, and not everyone is ready for that. And that's just fine! There is no need to push our beliefs on anyone else. The need to convince others comes from our own fears about being right or wrong and fears of not being successful or needed.

    If you frequently come up against hostility for your work, I would consider looking at what you're afraid of and what you are hostile toward. Dealing with your own feelings can go a long way toward changing the way your work is received by the world.
