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Monday, December 13, 2010

Water - Special Molecule with a Memory

We all know that we physically need water to survive; our bodies are over 60% water after all. Water is essential to all life on Earth, covers most of the Earth's surface, and there is water in the air too. Water was once considered one of the four elements from which all things were composed. We don't really think twice about what water does and how special it is because we see it every day of our lives.

But water is actually a very special molecule with properties that are rare in the chemical world. Water is a polar molecule which means that, in the simplest terms, it is slightly electrically positive on one side and slightly electrically negative on the other side of the molecule (to my scientist friends: please don't try to correct me on this... I'm just trying to make it simple).[1] This polarity creates a state where it takes a lot of heat to turn water from a liquid to a gas. This makes water useful in regulating our climate and weather.[1] The polarity of water also enables it to be an excellent solvent, meaning that all sorts of different substances easily dissolve into water; this is important in our bodies.[1] Water also has a high surface tension which gives it that little tough surface which is useful in a number of different ways.[1] Another interesting characteristic is that ice is less dense than water, allowing it to float.[1] This protects water below the surface of the ice, which, among other things, makes it harder for lakes to freeze solid and protects marine life.

But what if the special nature of water gives it another important characteristic? What if water can actually remember and store energetic information? This is something that is completely disregarded in mainstream scientific circles because there is no tangible evidence of it, at least not yet. Experiments trying to test the theory have been inconsistent at best. I think this is one area that is just incredibly difficult to test because there are so many unknown variables - and to get reliable scientific results, you need to control as many variables as you can and then test just one or two variables. But let's look a little at the theories that are out there.

Some people believe that water can remember something about substances that it contains even after those substances are physically/chemically removed. This is one of the theories under which homeopathy and flower essences work. Other theories and even some preliminary experiments show that water can retain a "memory" of conscious intention.[2] For example, when a healer did some intentional healing on water and that water was then given to a culture of tumor cells, the tumor cells showed reduced growth compared to a control group.[2] Dr. Masaru Emoto has been experimenting with intention and water crystals for some time. He believes that music, type of water (distilled, spring water, tap water, etc.), prayer, and plain old words change water, and that those changes can be seen when you freeze water and examine the shape of the crystals.[3] Dr. Emoto does not use scientific method in his experiments, nor does he claim to, but his writings are very interesting.

Dr. Glen Rein says there are many theories to explain how water can retain memory of intention, but that one the most likely one may involve "quantum fields in quantum domains."[2] Basically, that means that it's a matter of quantum physics which is not surprising since a lot of energy healing theories seem to bring us back to quantum physics.

The significance of all this? If water can store energy signatures, it can be used to carry healing energy. It also means that you might want to surround yourself with good energy (good words, good feelings, good intentions, etc.) so that the water in your body stores healing energy. Water can be good for you in more ways than one!

[1] Gray Pilgrim, Polarity of Water, 2010. Accessed December 10, 2010 from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/polarity-of-water.html
[2] Glen Rein. SSE Talks - Water Memory: Carrier of Conscious Intention, 2009. Accessed December 10, 2010 from http://www.scientificexploration.org/talks/27th_annual/27th_annual_rein_water_memory_intention.html
[3] Water Crystals. Accessed December 10, 2010 from http://hado.net/watercrystals/index.php

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