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Monday, November 29, 2010

Disappointment and Faith

I've recently experienced a disappointment related to my business. Disappointment is another emotion (the first being anger, as I've talked about before) that can result from something not meeting your expectations. Even if your goals and expectations are reasonable, life is still bound not to go your way at some point or another and disappointment is a perfectly natural result.

Like most emotions, there is nothing wrong with disappointment itself. I think that a problem occurs when a person does not move past a disappointment. The larger the disappointment not dealt with, the larger the problem it can create in your life. When you live your present life within the shadow of a past disappointment, the disappointment is not dealt with and can contribute to disease physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So when you experience that near inevitable disappointment, how do you deal with it? Being disappointed about something should serve as an indication that whatever is concerned is something that was important to you. Acknowledging that fact will help you understand your feelings. Also, don't be afraid of expressing your disappointment in whatever way you feel is appropriate - writing in a journal, talking to a friend, or maybe having a little cry.

For me, the greatest help in dealing with my disappointments, large or small, is my faith. My faith means that I know that what I am experiencing contains a lesson for me. That might mean that there is something I need to do differently in the future or that there is a better opportunity coming. It might mean something else altogether, but there is a meaning somewhere. When I'm ready to let go of a disappointment, I turn my thoughts to what I'm grateful for in my life. The things I am grateful for are the things I have been led to, and all the disappointments of my life have probably contributed in some way or another to what I am grateful for. Each disappointment is another contribution to something I will be grateful for in the future.

It's never too late to deal with your past disappointments. It may mean reliving some pain but with the help of your faith it may also mean healing in any number of ways. Work on strengthening your faith and gratitude to help you deal with your disappointment. Are there any disappointments you are ready to release?

1 comment:

  1. Disappointment is inevitable for us entrepreneurs. However, if I hadn't felt like such a "failure" in my business, I never would have signed up for teleseminars, or known they existed. Now that I am running my own I feel like I have finally found my niche!! In our biggest challenges lie our biggest gifts. Great post :)
